Score Prediction App


Fill out the information below and we'll try to predict your score.

Start by selecting your exam, type in your score (or your percentage correct) and how many days before your exam you completed the exam/qbank.


A correct score prediction is a forecast of what the final score in a football/soccer game will be after regulation time has been played. Prior to kick-off, bookmakers offer a range of odds on several of the most common scores in a match. Let's say that you think that Tottenham will beat Arsenal, and that you think that the final score. Enter your picks in the app to try to take home the $100,000 jackpot in each Sunday Night 7 contest. NBC Sports Predictor is designed to enhance your NBC Sports viewing experience. Declaration-Contact Us-Report errors-Ad Contact-TOP-Website Navigation. Notice: Please subject to GMT+0800 (Beijing Time) if there is no other time zone mark in our info. League Home team Predicted score Away team Tip; England - Premier League: Crystal Palace: 0: 3: Manchester United: 2: details: Scotland - Premiership: Livingston.


Score Prediction App Download

How does this work?

Score Prediction App

We've gathered data from almost every,, and post and compiled them into one giant algorithm to help you correlate clinically your practice scores and your acutal score. Plus we use data contributed from students like you!

Soccer Score Prediction

How accurate is my estimate?

We provide a best guess and a confidence interval. If you have a bad test you'll be at the lower end of that range and if you have a good test you'll be at the upper end of the range.

How can I contribute?

The easiest way to contribute is to just submit your information above. We've included an option to submit your actual Step score if you already know it.

Why did you make this site?

Score Prediction App

Football Prediction App

Studying for Step is hard enough without constantly trying to figure out if your improving or if one of the practice tests you took was really predictive. We ended up building this to help out of ourselves and our friends and have now decided to release it publicly.

Current score correlations/conversions we provide: CBSE score correlation, NBME score correlation, UWORLD score correlation, AMBOSS score correlation, Free 120 score correlation

Score Predictions Premier League

  • Total customization

    Use the quiz editor to create the perfect betting pool or bracket contest. Choose the number of questions, question style, layout, and even the color of the buttons. Preview changes instantly.

  • 7 question types

    Choose from open questions, multiple-choice questions, sortable answers, drop-down menus, autocomplete fields, and ratings. Illustrate questions with photos, gifs and videos.

  • Add the results

    When your promotion ends, input the results and see which participants guessed the future correctly. Assign points to each answer and choose how much weight to give each question.

  • Pick a winner

    Run a final prize draw for users who made correct predictions or reached a minimum number of points. Pick a winner at random and get a certificate to prove it.